2005年2月20日 星期日

Razor Hill ... Shek Nga Shan 鷓鴣山...石芽山

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The day was chilly, overcast and had intermittent drizzles. Yet, to me, the first two conditions made it a wonderful day for hiking. Besides, the hiking group I joined met my preferences very much since they departed sharply on time, had no smokers, and have no break of more than half an hour [on a later trip with them, it was found that not all of their leaders banned smoking, what a pity!]. We started going up Yau Yu Wan [魷魚灣] Traditional Trail at Razor Hill. As one could realise form its name, the slopes of this hill was steep. Its ridge rose upwards gradually with several small peaks. Disappointingly, the haze and drizzles made it almost impossible to view the scenery properly. At the trigonometrical pole, I only had a short break for photo-taking, then we had to rush in order not to become frozen up there. The descend was somewhat slippery at certain spots, though the one done later at Shek Nga Shan [石芽山] was all the more slippery.
Crossing Clear Water Bay Road, we took a lane between Pik Uk Prison and a village, bounding for Hebe Hill [尖風山]. At Lower Hebe Hill [葵拗山], a hidden path led us pass beside Hebe Knoll, then down to Nam Pin Wai [南邊圍]. This part of the leg covered mostly indistinct paths in the forest. From Nam Pin Wai onwards, we took the vehicle track to Kai Ham [界咸], passing by a golf course. The path leading uphill to the ruin of Tai No [大腦] Village was hidden behind a boarded up small construction site. The stone steps led us to the side of an almost dried up waterfall of Wong Chung [黃涌石澗]. After a break outside a clan house, we headed for the Maclehose Trail via Sheung Yeung [上 洋]. The path cut through a thick bamboo wood, out of this wood, a maze of trails in the sea of sedges lie before our eyes. Such a maze did look like a brain [Tai No]. Spectacular views came into sight ever since we ascended West Buffalo Hill [黃牛山]. Sharp peaks of Buffalo Hill [水牛山] and Shek Nga Shan seemed to compete with that of Ma On Shan. At Ngau Au [牛坳], we turned south-west for Fa Sum Hang [花心坑] where Kwong Yuen [廣 源] Estate was within hearing distance.

2005年2月6日 星期日

Ho Hok to Tai Lam 蠔殼山>掌牛山>四排石山至大欖

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