2006年6月17日 星期六

Wong Lung Stream 黃龍坑

Sunny BF1 31oC photos 相簿
反常地下了差不多一個月大雨,尤其是在週末,難得終於放晴,當然立刻去黃龍啦!在赤"垃"角村望向薄刀屻山腳,發現它有數個新塌坊處。自黃龍坑道朝南望已看見一道似是懸浮空中的長瀑[猜是東龍一瀑]。在地龍口下黃龍坑,沒有像上次般爬渠過,而是直接入澗,再繞過水堰。呀!遲一會帶手套便中招,給長有小彎鉤的勒刺入肉。映入眼簾的是一片蒼翠,澗中也分佈著凌散樹木,記得上次好像不是這樣,大概是未到吧。 ... 走呀走的仍是這般才知道那是由於水沛。也正是同一原因,方便的落腳點少了很多,有時又要繞道或者扮蜥蜴,結果比上次多花一倍時間才到主瀑。陽光映照在黃龍潭中,潭清澈見底,真有點想下水,只是想起那些吸血蟲,便決定放棄,當然仍有同伴下水。雖然未到午飯時候,但是我因這幾天有點胃痛,今天早餐沒吃得下多少,所以這麼早便肚餓了。大家略為吃過乾糧,便又上路。自左面上攀,黃龍瀑就在右方嘩啦啦的灑下去,令人可近距離感受這震撼情景;當然要以小心留神上攀為重。自瀑頂下望,只看到兩道水柱激射向下,從這上面看更覺潭水之清。前方又有一小潭瀑,只是大家的注意力都被後方的左龍所吸引住了。 ... 正要貼邊踏石走,卻原來那小石上有一只有著綠背黑腿的蛙伏著,幸好沒踏著牠。最後,當我打算採取較高難度的路線避開牠時,牠立刻醒目地跳下水中,還示範一下正宗蛙式給我學習。好,我明天就到海灘練習[註:我當然有實諓啦]。拜別蛙師傅不久,左龍的倩影便出現,它自峽谷高崖頂分二道凌空瀉下,水珠飛濺,實在美得如仙景一般。此瀑下只有淺潭,大部份水都滲走,所以即使不懂游泳者也可一嘗站在瀑下的滋味。右龍離此不遠,也是懸空飛掛,而較小的龍尾瀑看來已觸手可及。後者瀑前有一小潭,左右皆壁,惟有退回左瀑與右瀑間朝上攀。不一會來到藤梯崖,現在只剩一藤一繩,自該處可回望另一幼長瀑。同伴之一由此舊路上攀,我與其他人往左走新路。先是一層又一層的棧道,之字形的偏向左龍伸延。近瀑頂有繩索助攀一窄崖,崖高大概為藤梯崖兩倍,左方懸空,右為崖壁。上攀途中有小坪可略為欣賞四周,左瀑的側影就在不遠處,小瀑則仍在對面。抵達崖頂不久,蛇倒退就在面前。它是一內傾斜壁,上有兩道淺疊痕可作腳位,當然也有繩可借力。過此處後轉山徑上登,沒走下路回頭。

2006年6月4日 星期日

Hau Tong Kai 猴塘溪

Pouring rain BF1 30oC photos 相簿
Oh, it's raining again ... it had poured for more than an hour in the morning [and had been pouring for days already]. Not long after we'd got off the bus at Tsak Yue Wu BBQ site, the Autumn Maple Stream under the bridge looked alright by then, but we expected that it would become horrible very soon if the rain continued. Unwillingly, we gave up this stream and headed for Hoi Ha beach for a swim. It might be better to leave your raincoat and umbella dry and safe in your backpack, than to take them out and hope that they'd be able to shield you from getting wet.
Later, with the scene of the big pond of Hau Tong Kai popping into my mind, I decided to go there for lunch. It's not far from Hoi Ha Road, and it's only a "1-star" stream ... en route to the pond, the roaring sound of water came into my ears, then my classification for that day had changed > it souldn't be far from being a 3-star stream. My estimation was proved right soon as the cascades came into view. They used to be "gentle kids" when I last visited it in August. Now it was nothing but a rapid all along, the falls further upstream could only be more powerful. It's gorgeous to stand in a safe place near the stream admiring its beauty with such water volume. Needless to say, one couldn't avoid having to wade. Since I think it's unwise to wade in running water of thigh depth, I'd skipped part of the stream and took the trouble to ascend a hillpath, then searched for an indistinct path leading to a dried up stream. From there, we moved through rather densely vegetated area and hit the stream at the sharp bend before Fan Pool. The Pool was located at the last and most prominent sharp bend, with the Beacon Rock [更樓石] just before the bend on its right bank. The Rock looked less deep pink in the rain, with shades of branches over it. A flooded ditch formed recently lay right in front of it ... last time, we could access and climbed onto it without much difficulty.
We spent quite some time preparing our meal somewhere above the falls of Fan Pool. At about 3pm, we continued a bit upstream, and left for Ko Tong CT on its left bank. Throughout our stay in the stream, showers, drizzles and sunshine appeared in random turns. As it's still rather early, we headed for soya bean pudding at Cheung Sheung. Wow, brooklets stretched across the plateau; while marshes had become ponds. After the refreshment, we continued along Maclehose Trail, joined Yung Pak Corridor [榕北走廊] for Pak Tam. The trail was either full of slippery stones and cobbles, or was very muddy, that's truly annoying! The panoramic view at Fa Miu Shan [花苗山] had become all the more fascinating because of the clearness after the rain. Only a veil of mist lingered over the horizon. As the toilet at Pak Tam was full of mosquitoes, we had to move on to Pak Tam Chung so as to put on dry clothes instead.