2022年7月4日 星期一

A walk along Lam Kam Road 4/7/22

Only realised that the volunteer job was cancelled upon arrival... Waited for about an hour till the torrential rain had alleviated a bit before leaving. Strolled along Lam Kam Road, visited 放馬莆(林村許願樹) and had lunch there before moving on and dropped for a visit at Botanic Union, a floral farm. Arrived at 鄧氏的敬羅家塾 at around 1pm, it's lucky that the guard had her lunch there and didn't lock the door. The venue where I took a map walk last week was nearby, so I checked a few of the places again since it's too dark last time. The last stop was 廣福橋, seeing that the decorated boats for the 25th handover anniversary were still there, I decided to go along the riverside to the end of the boat queue. Perhaps it's more attractive after dark when their lights were on.
