成立於2001年, 含各類山海活動, 為方便照應和減少對郊野的破壞, 多會限制人數. 多為探路性質, 難度亦多為2-4星(5星最難). 步速略快, 沿途拍照. 為確保空氣質素, 吸煙者勿來. 採集動植物者亦不歡迎. 垃圾(包括果皮)至少需棄於垃圾箱, 最好帶回山下. 為保障各參加者安全, 請先行以email留下手機號碼, 稍後本人會以電話聯絡 (日後或以What's App聯絡).
2022年8月4日 星期四
青松觀+聖彼得廢校 4/8/22
Pouring rain again during lunch, it's a pity that I missed the chance of having lunch at the old vegetarian hall. Instead, the old one was closed, we had to visit the one at the new building, where one of us had to pay for one year membership before we could have our meal there. The CP value wasn't that high.
I took some of my pals to visit the ruin of St Peter's school after lunch seeing that the rain had stopped.
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