2015年8月24日 星期一

2004 Memory Lane 遠足記事

Last updated: 31/1/05
Cheung Chau 長洲 Chi Ma Wan Peninsula 芝麻灣半島 分流 Fan Lau Fung Head + Sharp Peak 長咀蚺蛇尖 猴塘溪 Hau Tong Kai Lamma Island 南丫島 Lo Fu Wat 老虎笏 Pat Sin Leng 八仙嶺 Ping Ka & Nam Chung CT 屏嘉及南涌郊遊徑 屏南石澗 Ping Nam Stream Plover Cove CP 船灣郊野公園 Shek Uk Shan 石屋山 Lower 'Sheung Luk' 雙鹿下游 Sheung Tong 上塘 Fa Heung Lo+Tai Lang Stream 花香爐+大冷溪  Tsing Tai Stream & Tai Lang Stream 青大石澗及大冷溪 Tai Shing Stream 大城石澗 大刀屻 Tai To Yan 田尾坑 Tin Mei Hang Wang Chung 橫涌 West Kau Nga Leng 西狗牙嶺 Wong Nai Tung+Tai Lam 黃泥墩及大欖
Sheung Tong 上塘 18/12/04 photos 相簿
自荃威花園登下花山,拿著石龍龔的定向地圖邊走邊做一點map reading。元荃古道初段的景緻開陽,袛是風弱,吹不散灰霾,使得汀九橋跟青馬橋也顯得朦朦矓矓的。路過稍乾的沼澤不久,便進入一片林地。自此改走通往上塘廢村的叉路。越過田地即見另一叉路,初時受彩帶影響選了右路,但走了不久即覺有點不對勁,於是查看指南針確認了方向偏東,所以立刻回頭改走左路。過田後,此路便是十分明顯的小石屎徑。不久便是急下山的路段,至一有著數條橋的小溪。這時又要作出選擇,該往西還是北呢?往西的小徑不明顯地經過一大塊田,往北的仍是石屎小徑,但是要急上山。結果還是選了直接登山接麥徑。走了一大段麥徑後,跟永吉橋還有一小段路時,曾下蓮花石澗一看。此時節水量已不多,幸永吉橋一帶仍見翠綠。今次吉慶橋的遠景因背光關係,只是白濛濛一片。大棠路那段景緻最好,大片綠林中,路旁夾雜著紅葉,山坡上的莎草輕輕搖曳著。失望的是,將抵漁護處時的一片樹林被燒了。之後會合下午一起有事辦的同伴們。
Pat Sin Leng 八仙嶺 9/12/04
數天前山火剛燒了廿多小時,本來也不打算從馬騮崖登八仙嶺的了,當然最終也成行。心痛的是眼見近年來整遍山嶺的南坡已逐漸成林,但轉眼間便成焦土!聽聞是次山火是一些沒腦者放孔明燈所至。我們選的是96年山火意外的登山路線,前大半段現時是林中的陡峭泥徑,臨抵馬騮崖時有一小片平地。這遍平地外已滿目蒼荑,燒焦的樹木及泥土仍散發出頗濃的焦味。好奇的往焦土走,竟發現數枚煙蒂分佈灰燼中!此情此景,環顧四周,當年山火的慘烈不難想像得到,更痛恨如今還能有如此無恥煙民四處丟棄煙蒂。仙姑峰上的測量墩附近的煙包煙蒂最多。馬騮崖正正在仙姑峰以南,由多塊巨型的石塊疊成,本來也不太難攀登,只是若被山火圍困,誰也難免慌張。加上那次大部份師生的有難度遠足攀石經驗不夠,便更可能會慌不擇路。上攀時曾停在崖間回望現時腳下的一遍焦土,對比山腰以下的綠林及山下的海灣,像是看見生死一線間。寫這文章時正聽著電台訪問嘉利大廈大火中成功逃生者的回憶 ... ... 火災真的很可怕!吸煙己經不對,遠足時更不應做此有害健康的行為。不明何以仍有那麼多"無良煙民"四處丟煙蒂!如他們不能放棄吸煙,那就索性不要來行山了。先戒煙再說吧,不要連累街坊!
West Kau Nga Leng 西狗牙嶺 14/11/04
Ping Ka & Nam Chung CT 屏嘉石澗及南涌郊遊徑 7/11/04
Cheung Chau 長洲 5/11/04
已想不起有多少年沒有到過長洲了,上次也只是夜裡到這兒乘街渡往望東灣。上岸後在繁盛的大街一小攤擋取了份簡只有英文版的簡單地圖。它不夠細,結果我還是用自己的地圖。一路西灣走往張保仔洞。洞內比從前乾淨,也沒那麼臭。攀下梯後,走若廿公尺後便要從另一更窄小的洞口爬出。難得今天是多日來沒有的少煙霞,使能得見遠方的島嶼。經鯆魚灣來到五行石。一如以往,大石滿佈塗鴉。有幸聽到有過路的學生公然對此自私行為作出批評,我最欣賞如此正義的人。面向白鰽灣[Italian Bay]的山坡上有石堆疊成狗狀。沿山頂道西經墳場及氣象站後,穿越一美輪美煥得被我誤為別墅的公共屋村後,沒上山改走平路,再經運動場往南乙水灣[Morning Beach]匆匆一瞥,便又上路。繞思高路[Don Bosco Rd]到"小長城"。其實那是白色石欄與石砌小徑,連接數個怪石景點。很多在那一帶海岸的巨石,都有著蜂窩狀的侵蝕痕跡,也有些有著彎曲的侵蝕面。花瓶石下的石廊便不單有此弧面,更有一較小的石塊塞在通天石廊的上方,不知何時會掉下。不論玉璽石,人頭石,花瓶石還是饅頭石,在我眼裡也看成另外的東西,大家的思路不同吧!最高興的要算終於到了觀音灣[Aftertoon Bay]及東灣海灘一帶。可是風少,租帆板也貴,惟有想像一上自己如何像珊珊一樣在海面飛翔罷!轉入國民路時,小學剛下課。市中心的建築與民居仍有著一股懷舊味道,有點時光倒流的感覺。到山上的長貴村走了一遭,繼而下山沿大鬼灣走,接長北路再次上山到北眺亭一看。其北便是雷達站,以東則有北角咀。時候不早了,沒下東灣仔[Coral Beach],只從北角咀看了一會。看來應該水清,但灘緣有不少垃圾。總的來說長洲的大小海灘也比大嶼山的小垃圾〔東灣仔除外〕。沿山腰往北社新村時,突感頸後有點癢,以為是背囊的手抽做成,便伸手到後面弄開它。卻碰到一些毛茸茸的東西,也來不及細想便感中指劇痛。忘看過究竟,原來被蜜蜂蟞了,還有條刺連著毒囊。可憐因誤會至使牠沒命了。不巧的是,今天我剛特地取起了急救包,唉!沒有鑷子,又怕誤擠毒囊,惟有掐著手指快想解救方法,也同時擔心自己有否對該毒液過敏。最後沒法了,只有用指甲小心地盡量避過毒囊,並很快地拔出該刺。之後緊掐著手指一回,幸好它只腫起了一個小點,但那痺痛感則維持了很久。一時間忘了掐著它,讓它垂下來便最明顯。在市中心及海傍的大小街道逛著,不消多久太陽便在擠滿漁船的港灣後方沉下去了。手指的傷口在離開長洲前已消腫了,只餘一觸痛的小孔。
Lamma Island 南丫島 - 軍機表演 20/10/04
大清早抵達索罟灣前,已留意到鹿洲[George Island]佈滿巨石的特徵;而南丫島上的大小山頭亦有著如斯特色。繞過大片泥灘後,從蘆鬚城學校前路過前往蘆鬚城海灘。那是一個小海灘,一個泳客也沒有。燒烤場全沒樹蔭,看來夏日裡不妨試用太陽能煮食罷。回頭走到天后廟旁登上石級往菱角山與山地塘[Mt Stenhouse]的山坳,此兩座山也都有著無數奇形怪狀的大石,有些像開心果,大熊,大角羊,也有像有著大鼻子的北歐古代巨人'troll'。今天在濃濃的煙霞下十分難以拍攝遠景,因我的小相機並沒有偏光鏡。可是我還是感覺到陽光的熾烈,每當沒風時,便有窒息的感覺。自一山咀往下面的深灣時,發現了其中一種有毒植物,只是想不起其名字。這段山路的末段有大片野草,走在其中根本看不到四週。從草叢中走出來後立刻回望,但已差不多找不到剛才的出口了。漁護處在那兒設有監察站, 還差數天此灘才解封。一條卵石通往東澳的石排灣,那村的治安大概不錯吧,沒遇過一隻守門狗。反而在家樂徑上山回山坳時,遇到一隻膽小的狗,一見到我便回頭逃,數次都如是。大概是我的樣子太可怕吧!上山途中有一巨石,其下略傾斜,可在那兒的遮蔭稍竭。只是有沒公德者在石上塗鴉,破壞景觀。另一方面,其實真的有需要在石上寫上石名嗎?這樣的巨石真的並不少見,不標名的話才可讓各人發揮自己的想像力。
Chi Ma Wan Peninsula 芝麻灣半島 12/10/04
Same as last week, HK was hovered by a shroud of smog. Nothing far was clearly visible, not even the sunrays could penetrate the atmosphere properly. We disembarked at around 11.28, and walked straight up to the Lantau Trail #12 soon afterwards. At a junction just before post #136, we left the main trail for a descend downhill. In a heavily vegetated wood, we went passed a badly-managed / deserted field and a shanty hut. Leaving this piece of land, we're then under open sky for most of the coming leg. Our paths ran along the coastline, with quite some beaches on our way. Unlike those I visited last week, these were less scattered with litters washed ashore. I couldn't tell from the brand name this time of their origination, i.e., if they're from PRC or from the locals. Yet, a large part of the litters were still made up of plastic bottles, flip-flops, shoes, fishing nets ... etc.
With Shui Tseng Wan behind us, we headed for Ngau Kwu Wan and had lunch at the farther end of the beach where we're almost 'surrounded' by all sorts of litters. Apart from those mentioned above, there're some foam cups and meal boxes from Fairwood and McDonald's. Only the beach by the waterfront was clear of rubbish. If one could act blind to the rubbish, then the scenery was picturesque. A large stream meandered across the flooded plain towards the beach. It was tranquil on a weekday, we didn't meet many people, except the dwellers in the small villages. Passing the many prison buildings, we reached a crossing with a map board. From there, we ascended for about 5 minutes to a small reservoir dam. The trail on the east of the reservoir took us to yet another crossing, where I had decided to shorten our course due to the lack of day light available. Without visiting Ha Keng, we headed straight for the crossing at Lung Mei, and went down another path some metres north-east of the 'dragon-tail' statue. Not long after passing a kiln were we 'greeted' by the ferocious barks of several dogs. We stood still with our hiking sticks in front guarding us from possible attacks. Soon they're hold back by their owners. Tai Long Beach hadn't got much litters, only a giant tyre and another large one lay there. The path was somewhat hidden among tall grasses shielding off the rest of the land from the sand. Looking back across Tai Long Beach, the hills of Ha Keng and the neighbouring ones were rock-strewn. I wonder if rock-climbers would love for a try there. We hadn't gone down to Yi Long as there's a private estate which made the beach less attractive to me. Instead, we joined the country trail once more for returning to Lung Mei by another leg. Back at the crossing, we struggled upstairs in the late afternoon sun. There's less heat, though I was 'steaming' as usual. No wonder I was the target of mosquitoes. It was breezy up on the Fire Lookout at Lo Yan Shan. The panoramic view with the setting sun was stunning. Leaving reluctantly, we climbed two more knolls before continuing our course downhill. The last knoll gave an excellent birds-eye view of Pui O. One may spend long hours sitting on the bare rocks around if time permits. A shattered trigonometrical pole stood on the exposed top, with stones and slippery slopes lying below. We reached the foothill just before dark, and passing Ham Tin village and Pui O, heading for the bus stop on South Lantau Rd. We enjoyed the nightview at Silvermine Beach before departing for home.
分流 Fan Lau 6/10/04
因沒有事先查看潮汐資料,所以沒冒險過雞翼角,只在沙灘上察看各類石塊的侵蝕。當然沒錯過可跟東灣的垃圾爭輝的更多類形垃圾。樽及鞋已不算新鮮了,最有趣的是一塑膠面罩及一航海用的訊號器。前者像燒焊時用的那種,但不是金屬的。後者還未過期,上部是燈,中有黃色海綿環,下部為圖畫及英文說明。我沒細看,因那東西拿在手上頗重。它大概是浮在水面發射訊號,讓船隻知道它的位置,可能是求救用的吧。隱約記得有類似signal flare的字眼,所以據此推測它的用途。難道這是之前有船遇難時用的?
大刀屻 Tai To Yan 1/10/04 photos 相簿
當離開大刀屻主峰,雨便開始落下來,幸不久又稍停了。前晚才走通宵,今天實在仍有點倦。但卻阻不了我參觀嘉道理農場的意志,上次參觀已是不知多少年前了。可惜我們若四時才到,兼且再碰上大雨,誤了起步時間。當時未知道原來遲些才可參觀小灣鱷,惟有從大電視中看貝貝的情形,而牠那時正躲在一角休息。雨停後便開始上山看,最先看到的是那可愛的大肥豬,但只有一面之緣,轉頭牠回屋內吃東西,用牠的肥臀向著我了。而最有趣的要算那些懂得吹口哨及打招呼的鳥兒。牠們是主動說話的,我引牠們說反而不被理采。那隻黑色身有點黃毛加紅咀的鳥兒,見我走過來便說morning,離開時牠們也會主動說bye-bye來道別,很是聰明。有只African Grey Parrot 最特別,每當我在牠面前出現,牠便會像撩女子般吹口哨,對其他人卻沒反應。兩次都是這樣,我猜那是因為我穿的衣服色彩很是奪目罷了。而白色的cockatoo只會說bye-bye,也說得不太合時 ... ... 還是牠們不想多見我一眼呢!較早前在空調室內也花了不少時間去尋找那些具有很好保護色的蛙類。最後參觀的是猛禽籠,內有不同的鷹,如貓頭鷹,麻鷹,還有那更罕有的白腹海鵰。雖大都曾受傷且正身處籠中,牠們的氣勢仍很攝人。其實正常來說我是沒多大興趣參觀動物園的,但今次看的是所動物療養所之類的地方,性質不同。心痛的是,一些遊人見到那些可憐的動物時,還說不知那些好吃否?而他們的領隊則老實不客氣地告訴大家要多幫襯商店,讓他可多拿點回佣。真不希望生態旅遊袛是掛名的商業活動,為了賺錢而不顧一切!
Lo Fu Wat 老虎笏 28-29/9/04 photos 相簿
It seemed to me that whenever I joined a tour hosted by others to visit this area, luck wouldn't be on our side, and that we'd come across an accident and needed to have the trip cancelled. Some years ago, we started from the main dam and one of us had a losing bowel, then came the rain. We decided to turn back somewhere near Lo Fu Wat. This time, it had nothing to do with the weather, though there's a kind of mist hiding almost every star in the sky, making it vain to bring the star map. Not even the moon could be seen all the time.
When we're almost at the top of Cheung Pai Tun, I became weak and dizzy in an instant, but had no sign of strong pulse. So I stopped and tried to regain normal. Yet my pals were eager to go on .... Fortunately, after throwing up, I became somewhat better. At the peak, we had a longer break while I ate a pear to speed up recovery. Judging from what I'd thrown up, it's probably the beer I drank after dinner that did the trick. I'd only limited experience of having beer after hiking but never beforehand. That proved it's not alright to have it even hours in advance and with a full stomach.
Afterwards, I was almost back to normal. That night, I had my manual camera with me. While I was taking a photo with the 'B' button in front of the team, my pals urged me to come back, for one of them had slipped and sprained her ankle. [I guessed that's probably because she was shocked to see the guy behind her turned into a werewolf under the full moon]. We were somewhere near Sam Mun Shan by then, so there was no choice but to retreat. This time, I didn't turn on my Ap Liu St LED headlamp anymore, for the weak light didn't work any better than the misty full moon. The walk back to the start was a much slower one. It's all the more tough for that girl to go down the ~100m of eroded slope of Cheung Pai Tung, ie, the slope where I had had a light head.
At daybreak, the moon began to set while I was in the valley down the foot of that long slippery slope. Then the sun rose under a shroud of mist, without our being able to see it. The girl and those accompanying her were having a pause midway on the slope. I was taking pictures on the knoll ahead, with Lo Fu Wat down below me. The sun only showed up minutes afterwards at a higher angle. The still air became annoying when the heat built up later in the day under the scorching sun, that was only about 9 am. It became all the more frustrating to walk on the main dam with heat steaming from the paved road. Lots of rubbish were found along the dam, they were left over by those inconsiderate people the night before while celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. Candles, lanterns, flourescent sticks ... lying all over the place. Plastic bags floating in the sea along with foam blocks. Some foam blocks were as large as mattresses. Water in the reservoir along the dam was stinking, though not sure of its cause.
猴塘溪 Hau Tong Kai 18/8/04 photos 相簿
Soon after we started from Tai Tan, a huge "toasted thick sandwich" was found lying on our left. Clink! To my disappointment, it turned into a "triangular" boulder beside the stream. Pools were small downstream, most of them were full of mosses. Not long after passing beneath the bridge at Hoi Ha Rd, the high dam of a service reservoir blocked our way. We had to climb up a slope before reaching the path besides the Fan Pool [not sure of its name]. Some people called the one near the Beacon Rock this name; however, I think this one was more of the shape of a folding fan. A set of cascades flowed into this largest pool I had ever seen in HK.
A bit further upstream, we had to make use of a ladder installed on a vertical boulder cliff. Just before another large pool, a huge red sandstone lied a bit away from the bank. It was the famous Beacon Rock. Well, it looked like a "ventilator" to me, with rows of horizontal fissures, and a few vertical ones. The rock face was very coarse, so be careful.
When we came to the junction on the left, with a path joining the Cheung Sheung CT, we turned for it and went back to Hoi Ha Rd. This was the day when I tried stream trekking with my canvas shoes on [not "pak fan yu"], and it turned out to have a much better grip than the running shoes I used to wear. As at Tai Shing, I only jumped among rocks, no need to wade. Generally speaking, this stream was more difficult than expected. Yet, quite some rocks were good "stepping stones" with flat surfaces.
西貢田尾坑 Tin Mei Hang, Sai Kung 15/8/04
Wang Chung 橫涌 1/8/04
Started upstream from Bride's Pool Rd. Indistinct paths appeared intermittently. Most of the times, we were wading along the stony stream bed. Recent rainfalls had left us little dry land. Water was ample which gushed like wild horses. Not only did it nourish the land, it also benefited both flora and fauna, thus bringing lush green to the vale. It's rather awkward to proceed on the slippery rock faces. Some inconsiderate hikers were seen littering the stream and its banks. One of them even picked some plants for re-planting at home. She had no sense of not stealing public properties at all. The littered peels and seeds were in fact exotic items to the indigenous plants. No need to say, the dispose of waste water in the stream also caused pollution and spoilt the scenery.
We moved on from one pool to another, and from one cascade to another. They seemed numerous and possessed impressive beauties. It's a pity that there wasn't enough time to spend at the Frosty Jade Pool 霜碧潭, which was excellent for cooling down under the scorching heat radiating from the clear blue sky. At a middle-stream branch where most people head north for the Nature Trail, we joined the same trail by going up the Bamboo Brook 竹坑 in the south. The hideous parts were found there at the Brook, where we had to climb up the cascade itself. It's not high but while there's running water, the rock face was slippery. Dashing all the way towards Tai Mei Tuk, I found it the easiest leg of the trek.
Tsing Tai Stream & Tai Lang Stream 青大石澗及大冷溪 25/7/04 photos 相簿
Tai Shing Stream 大城石澗 10/7/04 photos 相簿
屏南石澗 Ping Nam Stream 20/6/04 photos 相簿
Starling Inlet, Crooked Harbour + Double Haven, Plover Cove CP 船灣郊野公園 沙頭角海,吉澳海+印塘 9/5/04
It was a light wind day, sunray struggled helplessly through the smog. We walked on levelled paths bordering the Starling Inlet coast, from Luk Keng, via Fung Hang and Kuk Po. From then on, the path heading NE towards Yung Shue Au was not as easy, we went over hills reaching So Lo Pun breathlessly in such a windless day. It was exhausting to hike inland on a hot and sunny day, hence, we took more breaks and stopped at a few clean streams to cool down a bit. Holiday tours arrived by boats and crowded at Lai Chi Wo. Villagers there hang up banners protesting against the large development plan of the area proposed by the government. Passing the boardwalks by the seaside woodland, we reached Sam A via Siu Tan. I remembered the first time I was there at its pier, it was a quiet day in the CNY. The scenery was more fascinating with drizzles and cool breeze. Red rocks were common in the Sam A Chung area. The heat became more tolerable when we were hurrying west for the endpoint at Wu Kau Tan.
Wong Nai Tun + Tai Lam Reservoirs 黃泥墩及大欖水塘  12/3/04 photos 相簿
We're shown the way to the uphill stairs at Yeung Ka Tsuen by a villager. Not long after the climb, a small placid reservoir lie before us. At the other end of it, we found a short and straight water tunnel. My pals insisted to venture into it, so I decided to follow. There was only a weak flow, but the most interesting things were the little bats hanging upside down from the ceiling. They packed closely to each other, sleeping peacefully. We tried to be very quiet so as not to wake those cutie creatures up from their slumbers. Getting out of the tunnel again, we were greeted by the sunshine once more. the Water level of Tai Lam was rather low, large areas of earth banks were exposed, giving a feel of being in a stony desert. Walking along its south-western coast, we headed towards the downhill road on the right of the main dam.
Lower Sheung Luk Stream 雙鹿下游 04
Going downhill, we soon reached the estuary of Sheung Luk at Sai Wan. More than a decade ago, visiting Sai Wan and Shum Chung on a Saturday, both villages gave an unruffled and pleasant feel. This time, there was a bustle of life at Sai Wan with visitors and restaurants. The Four Successive Pools [四疊潭] were not far from the estuary. We bathed in one of them with another family. It was my first time after so many years to visit this stream again. To be frank, I was a bit nervous while moving along the slippery rockface of the stream. Further upstream, the gradient lessened and became the gently flowing body of water of Kap Man Hang. Some way up a sharp bend was the Silky Falls [千絲瀑], we took a long break there and then departed for the Luk Wu CT.
Fung Head + Sharp Peak 長咀蚺蛇尖 22/1/04 CNY Day
The temperature was around 10oC, with a mild sun and east to north-easterly gusts. I was all the more enchanted by the "charm" of the landscape in such a pleasant weather.
En route to Sharp Peak from Pak Tam Au, quite some time was spent in taking photos. The gusts there were the strongest. At the summit, one could "enjoy" gusts blowing onto you from ALL directions. Of course, one might take time in admiring the unique and spectacular panorama. Going downhill was the toughest part, but when we came to somewhere flat, we would rush on and on as if we were having a race. Just before the tip of the promontory of Fung Head, the land became undulating and was scattered with boulders. Having reached the narrow jutted land overlooking an escarpment on one side and a stack on the other, we turned back and went down to a seaside terrace. It was filled with litters both rushed ashore and left behind by campers.
Those high waves breaking against the eastern shores were so stunning that I couldn't help exclaiming over and over again. Surfs were only a bit milder in the bays. Fine white sand reflecting rays from the sun in the western sky told the time of the day. After taking a short break at the Tai Long Village, we hurried on back to Pak Tam Au trying to get there before dark.
At the bus stop, we met a group of westerners who had just finished their walk on Mac #2. They were much impressed by the scenery. I began to wonder if I'd be seeing better ones at New Zealand soon .... P.S. After my NZ trip in the north island, I have to admit that there are places in our countryside is almost as good, or even better. As long as we keep on doing our best to safeguard them, there's a chance that they will be as pleasing as they have ever been.
Fa Heung Lo+Tai Lang Stream 花香爐+大冷溪  1/1/04 photos 相簿
This time, we start from Lung Kwu Tan, going uphill passing by the "Emperor's Rock", then we headed towards the 310m peak of Fa Heung Lo before going down to the stream of Tai Lang Shui. The water of this stream looked brown in color which didn't seem to be the color of the earth / base rock. Meadows were found near the stream covered with dense vegetation. They gave a "green" and refreshing feel. There were several huge gullies dotted with pine trees. Farther away from the path, part of a ridge had caved in, forming a chasm gaping up at heaven.
The sun was so strong and scorching that it didn't seem to be of a winter one. Even the water-proof sunblock lotion couldn't do much in protecting me.
Trips with dates unknown 不知日期的旅程
Shek Uk Shan 石屋山
